LGx Marketing and Public Relations
strategic marketing and pr specialists
About LGx
About LGx
I operate LGx under the premise that we are a virtual extension of our clients' internal team. Whether there is a need for some extra bandwidth to help with a specific project, or a need to take the reins on an entire campaign, we can augment your efforts as little or as much as needed.
Good. Fast. Cheap.
The typical follow up to this is, "pick two."
With most things in life, if you want it good and fast (think Porsche), it won't be cheap. Or conversely, if you want it fast and cheap it won't be all that good (think McDonalds). Here at LGx, however, we aim high and make every attempt to be all three. It can't always work, depending on the project or activity, but that's where we like to start. At the top, doing whatever we can to get it done. No sacrifices.
Fancy Name
Some people might think that since I'm an experienced marketing guy, that the name of my company would be some wiz-bang, uber-creative and cool thing. And I went down that road a little bit and explored what that might look like. But at the end of the day, what I realized is that people are buying me. They're seeking the advice of Luke Giroux, not the advice of some boutique shop with a fancy name. Hence LRGiroux Consultants, llc was born. LGx actually came in a short time later, when I got so many compliments on my LGx logo. So that seemed to fit.
So go ahead, give me (Luke) a shout, and I'm sure we'll find a way to roll up our sleeves and address your marketing, communications, and/or public relations challenges. With the simplicity of a relationship built on trust. Without the fancy name to get in the way.