LGx Marketing and Public Relations
strategic marketing and pr specialists
I realize that one of the primary reasons for you to visit my web site is to see what kind of work I've done in the past. I appreciate that, and this section of my site will provide an ongoing archive of examples. That said, please know that not everything I've ever done for the likes of GE Energy, Xylem (multiple divisions), Thermo Fisher Scientific, Marmon Utility (a Berkshire Hathaway Company) and PRA are available online. However, give me a shout and I would be happy to set up a f2f meeting, to show you whatever I have in person.
In the meantime, please have a look at the links below, which provide some samples of what I call "block-and-tackle b2b public relations." Articles, press releases, industry awards, case studies, support at trade shows, etc. And if you like what you see, or would like to see more, please just contact me directly (860.280.1302 or email) and we'll take it from there. And thanks again for stopping by!
Block-and-tackle b2b Public Relations
Once in awhile, you get the opportunity to write about a cool topic that is a "human interest" story. As much as I love the b2b space, most of the topics are industry-specific and/or highly technical, and not exactly "cocktail party" conversation starters. "...So, I was doing this article on the sewer bypass project in Tampa the other day..." What?? ;)
In any event, I've been doing some writing for Xylem's Mission: Water magazine, a very slick publication that they produce for their customers. Here are a couple of human interest stories I've written for MW:
City of Rio Olympic Water Challenges
Gold King Mine River Pollution
Lusail City, Qatar - FIFA World Cup
Other samples for you to peruse:
Water World - Xylem Dewatering jumped through some pretty big hoops in March of 2016, when a month of torrential rains caused serious flooding and pipes to burst, setting up the need for a substantial emergency bypass. This story, published in the January 2017 issue of Water World magazine, got them some great press about their herculean efforts to get it done.
Environmental Science and Engineering - Working with the Canadian distributor of Godwin Pumps and Xylem Dewatering, we were able to get this cool story about a project under the runway at Toronto Pearson International Airport into the August 2016 issue of Environmental Science and Engineering magazine. We almost secured the cover shot of the issue with this dramatic nighttime runway image, but the resolution and image format (horizontal versus vertical) wasn't quite there. Oh well, next time...
Pollution Equipment News - As we mapped out the public relations campaign for Xylem Analytics for the year (so they would have proactive activity to fill and maintain a pipeline of content), we identified an upcoming issue of PEN that would feature hydraulic fracking. Obviously a contentious topic, we knew it would get some eyeballs. We also knew we had to get some of the Xylem products - that help to address hydraulic fracturing issues - into one of the feature articles. A call was made to the editor, who we also connected with at one of the industry trade shows, and a placement for a by-lined article was secured. LGx then worked hand-in-hand with the team at YSI, a Xylem brand, to structure and write the article within the parameters as required by the publication. LGx can do the same for you; just be in touch with what you need and we'll get it done. It's that simple.
SelectScience - It's not everyday that a client has a cool, compelling story to tell. Some days (parden the fairy tale reference) you have to weave straw into gold. Other days, the goose lays the golden egg. And the story about a number of Xylem brands, working together to come up with a killer solution to monitor the waters of the Caribbean - to help assess and ultimately protect the coral reef and sea life - is a good one. Ok, it's not a golden egg, but it at least has some great appeal to the target audience. Got any cool stories to tell, that would impress your target audience and make your employees feel proud to work for your company? Give me a shout and we'll figure out the best way to tell it, and the best way to distribute it. And that's no fairy tale ending.